Love is a knife with a blade for a handle

A couple who ‘collect’ old, near forgotten Irish folk songs get a lot more than they bargain for when they find a song so old it’s in a forgotten language.

This is deliciously creepy and unsettling. There’s little in the way of shocks or scares, but there is an unrelenting commitment to an ever tightening sense of dread. Little is explained, answers as to what is going on just lead to more questions. It’s grim and nasty and always has a sly grin at the side of its mouth.

The sound design is superb. When ‘the song’ is sung it’s really something, absolute dread chills.

There’s something about the measuredness and intelligence of the film making that makes me believe that there’s a lot of Irish folklore and history that’s gone the backstory of the film. I can imagine that people who’re a lot more knowledgable about this subject will get a lot more out of this than I can.