Mandy, played by Diane Morgan

Peak Minty

Whisper it: I think this is the funniest thing on iPlayer.

Diane Morgan has taken the essence of the 80’s British sitcom, it’s idiotic main characters, it’s absurdly contrived plots, it’s mixture of utter banality and occasional surrealism. She’s jettisoned all of the set-up, all of the fluff and filler, anything that isn’t generating a laugh every few seconds. And she’s ended up with a fifteen minute show that’s a rocket fuelled gem.

She’s improved upon her influences in just about every way. Let’s start with the main character, Mandy.

Each episode see’s Mandy Carter trying her hand at a new job, usually at the behest of her exasperated Job Seeker’s officer. And each episode it goes disastrously wrong. But not because Mandy’s stupid or clumsy. It’s usually because she’s just bored (something we can all relate to at work) or distracted. Sometimes it’s because she’s actually hyper-competent and ends up taking things too far.

Because Morgan clearly loves Mandy. Mandy isn’t an object of scorn or ridicule. We laugh at her, yes, but it’s always with affection. Mandy is, in a very bizarre way, somebody to be admired.

Then there’s the celebrity cameos. A combination of Morgan’s eye for casting and the fact that each episode is so brief means that there’s an avalanche of celebrities of all stripes prepared to give up a day (probably significantly less) for filming, all looking like they’re having the time of their lives.

And each one is a surprise. Either because the cameo is deliciously played against type (Sonia-from-Eastenders channeling her inner Don Logan from Sexy Beast is an absolute treat) or because the setup is so misdirected and obfuscated that the punchline is glorious.

And finally there’s the surrealism. The sheer pace of the jokes and inventiveness leaves no place for something as boring as reality. If it’s funny: it’s in. So even though the form of the jokes feel familiar, the way each joke jackknifes the plot further away from mundanity makes everything a surprise.

Just glorious, an absolute gem.

Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking…