Biden’s Unheralded War on Poverty
Biden’s Unheralded War on Poverty
The Great American Quit Rate (full name: Great American Quit-Your-Stinkin’-Job-for-a-Better-One Rate) has finally subsided. While it lasted, though, it enabled the nation’s low-wage workers to make the first substantial economic gains they’ve made in 40 years. And that the GAQR existed at all was due almost entirely to President Biden’s war on poverty—a war that has gone largely unnoticed by both the public and the media.
Biden has implemented a significant wage hike for the American working classes whilst their inflation runs much lower than the UK’s. Meanwhile, Jeremy Hunt and the Bank of England are still asking our working class to take wage cuts to try to instigate a recession, in order to fight the inflation caused by excessive corporate profits.
Whether we want it or not, the UK upper classes are fighting a class war.